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Welcome to the Marathon 2 page.

Marathon is (in my opinion) the best Shooter game ever to grace the computer screen. It is inventive, challenging, explosive, and to top it all off it has a killer story line and solid high res. Graphics. It is the shooter game for the intellectual. Not only does it involve blowing things up but it involvles using one's brain, A strikingly hard concept for all you Doomers and Quakers to conceive. Yes, I admit it, I (StoneDog a.k.a. Mike) have played a round or two of Multiplayer Quake myself. Multiplayer Marathon however defies all Quaking forever. Where else could you blast your buddy clear across the map with one well placed Missile shot. Yes, yes, I know. Quake 2 's brain blowing 3d FX and mind numbing speed, is soooo great. This is the argument of the ignorant masses. So let me enlighten you. Marathon and Marathon 2 are the God of all Mac games. However, it is widely unknown in the PC world. Marathon 2 is now available for the PC. The price has dropped to $10 because hardly anyone bought it. Nobody bought it because the Stupid people in high up places never gave it the nod. So I challenge you. Go buy it. It is only $10 at your local software retailer. Then you will see what you have been missing. Don't be quick to judge either. If you are really cheap then you can download the demo from Bungie's web site. They are of course, the Makers of the Masterpiece.

You are visitor since 7/5/98


This picture is by Craig Mullins. It depicts the Marathon soldier.

Gee. If you have Marathon 2 for Win95 and want to play a network game, or chat with me, or even insult me, Then E-mail me. If you're just passing through then why not sign the Guest Book(Please refrain from insulting me there.) Now I know I'll get some insults. J

And now for your viewing pleasure.....My three favorite things. Aside from raindrops on roses and whiskers on Kittens etc....



For those of you who don't know, these guys are B.O.B.'s. Meaning Born on Board. They help you out throughout the game. Sometimes they are a nuisance so I just blow em away. Don't waste to many of these guys or they might shoot you up. J



Here are some links.

Last updated: 6/24/98